Talking about race can be hard, here’s a glossary of common terms for conversation around race
Video: Systemic Racism Explained
Article: The Numbers Behind Racism in the US
Article: The Phrase "Black Lives Matter" Explained
Video: Why Can't I Say All Lives Matter?
SURJ's Explanation of White Privilege
Article: The Facts on Racial Bias in Our Criminal Justice System
Video: What does "Defund the Police" mean?
Article: What is Toxic White Feminism
Article: How to Be a Better Ally
Article: Talking With Relatives Across the Political Divide
Getting involved locally is the best way to make change, talking to family members and meeting new people in your community is necessary when changing your biases and learning new concepts. Racial inequality and the disparity between classes in Connecticut is palpable, think about this when you travel throughout the state or take a walk in your local park. What race do you predominantly see, or more importantly, examine what race you find yourself not wanting to see.
Changing your perspective takes time, and is best completed by making small, daily changes to your outlook on life.
Anti-Racism Resources-New Haven Arts
Support Black-Owned Businesses in CT
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